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 Sunday~ 25/10/09

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Commodore (Admin)
Commodore (Admin)

Posts : 52
Join date : 2009-09-22
Location : In the mines

Sunday~ 25/10/09 Empty
PostSubject: Sunday~ 25/10/09   Sunday~ 25/10/09 EmptyWed Oct 28, 2009 3:00 am

Now last Sunday we had a practise event, not many members participated but to be honest that was a good thing, it allowed the few there to get used to the idea and for us to get to grips of what it will be like when we have hordes of nerf'ers charging at each other. All in all it was pretty fun and I look forward to the next event with hopeful eyes, however it was requested to be tomorrow… however weather does appear to be against us. Neither the less, I’ll keep my darts to hand and my fingers crossed and hopefully the same small group will be able to fight again soon, maybe more.
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Sunday~ 25/10/09
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